Present: Rachel Bell, Lisa Brown, Derek Dunsire, Chris Flower, Keri Reid, Claire Scott, Nicola Sutcliffe. Apologies: None
1. Welcome
NS opened with a welcome and with the outstanding actions from September’s meeting (see separate action list)
2. Chair’s report (NS)
- NS reflected on the slow start to the year (in terms of events) following AGM and changing roles.
- Then summarised the discussion held at the pub last month (primarily fundraising plans and school improvement ideas)
- Council agreed that they would provide refreshments for families after evening Christmas play (along with raffle draw). RB/KR to approach Aldi for food donations - probably St Andrews day shortbread. (Co-op supporting Christmas party). Remaining supplies to come from Council funds.
3. Treasurer’s report (DD)
- DD presented a summary of income and expenditure for the current financial year, with most activities relating to the summer fundraising events and costs.
- Little movement in the bank account in the Autumn term.
- DD provided a plan for the upcoming year for fundraising events and ways for the Council to financially support the school.
4. Headteacher’s report (RB)
- Muthill Primary are delighted that KR has won the ‘Molly McGavigan’ Fair Trade award in 2023
- RB reported that Parent Consultations in the past week (all run face-to-face) were well attended by all.
- Quality Improvement / HWB reports soon to be shared with parents
- Peripatetic teachers (Miss Duncan and Mr Gibson) may be required for a few days this term.
- Changes in current year include upgrade of classroom carpets and furniture
- Quality focus on writing standards for pupils
- Looking at alternatives to House Points as means of rewarding good behaviour
- Extra dates or diary:
- 29th Nov - St. Andrew’s Day of Dance for all years
- 18th December - carol singing at Wardside House (pupils only)
- 19th December - Christmas singalong (families invited), followed by School enterprise at 3pm.
5. Fundraising
- NS to provide message to school, request home baking for cake stall on Sunday 25th Nov as part of village fair (and drop off arrangements)
- NS raised the matter of duck sales. Council agreed to offer ticket holders either a) refund or b) raffle tickets.
- Christmas raffle. Council agreed that prizes would be collected from parents. Local businesses would be approached for bingo later in academic year. Suggested a list of items for parents to contribute.
- NS requested other members of council to support with raffle sales / prep on Christmas play days.
- RB also requested help from parents generally for costume changes.
- RB and council agreed that as council paid for Pantomime tickets, would request £5 contribution from parents for transport. School funds to meet the balance.
6. Roads update
- CF and DD provided roads update. CF confirmed no known date for the new footpath - may not be current financial year.
- Confirmed works are expected to include bollard replacement and footway around carpark. CF to see whether it can also include pavement by the church corner
- CF/DD confirmed other village groups were ‘open to idea’ of closing off the lane, but leaving Parent council to do the work. Proposed consultation .
- KR requested someone come and discuss road improvements with P5/6/7 class. (CF to arrange this?)
- Suggestion to install dog poo bag dispenser next to playing field to help improve conditions of playing field
- Safety of side gate was raised. Identified as possible fundraising opportunity
7. Website
- NS confirmed that website was ready. Asked council for feedback on content
- CF suggested a) PC members (incl. photos), b) Council minutes, c) Calendar for academic year
- NS also suggested a quick Aims Statement.
- NS to arrange photos of council and staff during Christmas events.
8. AOB
- Confirmed next meeting for parents on 7th December.
- LB to confirm room in Commerical Inn.